Friday, February 6, 2015

Making Of: Copacii Infloriti (Blooming Trees) Quilling

Quilling Paper Trees
Copac quilling cu magnet pe spate

Primavara a venit mai devreme in gradina mea, si copacii au inflorit deja. Realizati din hartie, in tehnica quilling, si cu magnetel pe spate, copacii infloriti au invadat frigiderul si inveselesc deja bucataria.  
Spring came earlier this year in my garden, and I've already got blooming trees around. These trees are made from paper, rolled in the quilling technique, and feature a small magnet on their back. They've already conquered my fridge, making the whole kitchen looking a lot happier.

Quilling Paper Trees
Copaci quilling cu magnet pe spate

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